Our Founders

Late Mr. S.K. Saxena

Founder Rector

Mrs. Aparajita Saxena

Founder Principal

Our Founder Principal, Mrs. Aparajita Saxena, and our founder rector, late Mr. S.K. Saxena were the true pioneers of English medium education in Burdwan. Once upon a time these two stalwarts met, their ideals and noble principles amalgamated which gave rise to the sacred edifice named HOLY ROCK SCHOOL, an institution devoted to enlighten the soul of all its students.

Words fall short of when it comes to describing the two great educationists- Mr. S.K. Saxena and Ms. Aparajita Saxena. They, along with the then District Magistrate of Burdwan. Late Mr. K.P.A. Menon founded the first English Medium School in Burdwan which later on come to known as the St. Xaviers School of Burdwan. After finishing their innings in st.xaviers they embarked on uncharted paths to build an altar, a temple of learning based on the ideals of Swami Vivekananda-HOLY ROCK the Institution where dreams come into reality was conceived out of a dream to impart quality education to children today, tomorrow and always and make their future bright. They aimed at bringing holistic development in each individual, inculcating in them moral values guiding them through the dark corridors of life. These two pioneers awakened the slumbering soul of many which would otherwise have perished.

This sapling was planted 40 years ago, in the year 1982. After enduring many storms it still stands erect and firm in its resolutions.

The onward march of the school suddenly got a big jolt when one of its founders Mr. S.K. Saxena left for his heavenly abode.

But the show must go on. Life will move on. Keeping his noble ideals and principals in mind, the journey of the school will continue forever inspiring ages to come.