About Us

Our Philosophy

The school believes that 'Education is that liberates the mind.' The school aims at preparing valuable citizens of tomorrow with no prejudice. The school helps in the interactional and spiritual growth of the students. It helps students to think critically in a non-conformist, unconfined way. The school blends both Physical and spiritual knowledge and helps human excellence to blossom.

Our Journey

The sapling named HOLY ROCK, was planted in the year 1982, with the objective of spreading English medium education for the up liftment of ,the mass. This journey of 40 years has endured many upheavals, but its struggle towards excellence has never has ceased. The founders of the school were thoroughly supported in their dream project by their son, Mr. Aniruddha Saxena and later on by their daughter-in-law Ms. Tapasi Saxena who play an instrumental role in the once all development of the school.

Our Commitment

  • Emphasise on easy but scientific teaching methodology.
  • Focus on character building.
  • Gift the students a glorified future.

Our Promise

We promise to chart out for our students the route map to a glorious future. We ensure conducive environment and structured education to promote a child's holistic development. We encourage them to go beyond the traditional way of rote learning and inculcate in them life skills, the most important guideline of modern education system, thus freeing them from all mental shackles. In an age of corruption, violence and eroding emotions, we promise to instil in them the true essence of humanism so that they become the worthy torch- bearers of our nation thus bringing justice to our mission and vision…!

Our Values

A society cannot be civilized until they maintain a life through discipline, etiquette and morality. Students are the future representative of our Nation so they need quality education to achieve a noble character. Not only bookish knowledge but some extra-curriculum activities like drawing, singing , sports , physical exercise, robotics, artificial intelligence are required for the pupil to develop their mind.